Hourly Wage to Annual Salary Calculator



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It can be helpful for workers in Canada to calculate their annual salary from their hourly wage for budgeting purposes, filing their taxes or making a large purchase. The hourly rate to annual salary calculator can help them to figure out how much they really earn in a year.

How do I calculate my annual salary from my hourly rate in Canada?

Calculating an annual salary from an hourly rate is simple. Just insert the average number of hours worked per week, the number of weeks of vacation and number of holidays taken, and the hourly wage. The tool will convert that hourly wage into an annual salary.

The formula for calculating your annual salary is simple:

Good to know

Annual salary = average hours per week × hourly rate × (52 weeks - weeks of vacation - weeks of holidays)

For example, imagine someone earns $19 per hour, works an average of 38 hours per week and has a total of 4 weeks of vacation and holidays. They would earn $36,480 per year.

Here is the math:

  • 38 hours × $19 per hour = $760 per week.
  • $760 per week × 48 weeks* = $36,480 per year.

*48 weeks assumes that the worker took a combined 4 weeks of uncompensated vacation and holidays.

Please note that the simplified formula above does not take into account overtime pay or paid vacation time. Your actual annual salary may be slightly different from this number. It can vary from job to job and province to province. Our calculator takes into consideration paid statutory holidays.

How many hours is full-time employment?

Anything over 30 hours per week is considered full-time employment in most Canadian provinces. Fewer than 30 hours per week is considered part-time.

With that said, for most industries, 40 hours is the standard amount worked on a full-time salary in Canada. This usually breaks down to 8 hours per day for five days a week.

There is a limit of 48 hours of work per week for most industries. Employees are also entitled to at least one full day of rest per seven-day period. Any hours beyond the standard 40 are considered overtime. They must be compensated at least 1.5 times the employee’s regular hourly rate. Exceptions apply for some jobs. These exceptions include managers, doctors, lawyers, dentists, engineers and architects.

What is the hourly minimum wage in Canada?

The hourly minimum wage in Canada varies from province to province, so where you live plays a big role in how much you will earn. In 2022, the lowest minimum wage is $11.81 per hour in Saskatchewan. Nunavut has the highest at $16 per hour.

ProvinceMinimum hourly wageAnnual salary (assuming 40 hours per week)
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Minimum wage and annual salary by province

It is important to note that there is no defined annual minimum salary for an employee in Canada. Throughout the country, the minimum wage is defined instead as an hourly rate. Legally speaking, there is no annual minimum wage since hourly jobs may not guarantee a specific amount of hours or a regular schedule.

What is the average annual salary in Canada?

The average annual income for workers over 16 years old in Canada ranges from $38,100 (in Prince Edward Island) to $58,000 (in Alberta). This works out to an average income of $48,700 per year for that same age group nationally. This is higher than the median salary of $38,800.

Wondering how your province stakes up?

ProvinceAverage annual income (workers over 16)
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Minimum wage and annual salary by province

What is the hourly rate if I earn...?

Wondering what hourly rate you earn on a $50k annual salary? On a $60k salary or a $40k salary?

To calculate your hourly rate from your annual salary, please refer to the chart below. It assumes 40 hours worked per week and 20 unpaid days off per year for vacation and holidays.

Annual salaryHourly rate
Annual salaries calculated as hourly rate

How do I calculate my take-home pay after income taxes?

The salary numbers on this page provide a gross, or before tax, salary figure. To calculate your net salary you will need to subtract federal and local income taxes as well as other deductions. Taxes are a complex subject, and how they are applied changes depending on your province.

Good to know

Try out HelloSafe's take-home salary calculator to learn more about calculating your take-home pay in Canada.

What is the average hourly wage by industry in Canada?

In 2020 salaried employees in Canada earned the following average hourly rates.

NAICS industry categoryAverage hourly rate
Goods-producing industries
Forestry, logging and support
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
Service producing industries
Transportation and warehousing
Finance and insurance
Real estate and rental and leasing
Professional, scientific and technical services
Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services
Educational services
Health care and social assistance
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Accommodation and food services
2020 hourly rates by NAICS Industry category
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Nishadh Mohammed

Nishadh Mohammed is a seasoned news editor and financial writer, working with HelloSafe since May 2023. Nishadh has developed expertise in financial markets, insurance, and investment products, with a deep understanding of the Canadian financial landscape. He has honed his SEO skills and content marketing strategies while writing for Canadian publishing houses. Armed with a master's in Business Analytics and extensive journalistic experience, Nishadh uniquely combines data proficiency and thorough research to deliver comprehensive and accessible information.

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