What is My Internet Speed?

Speed Test by PlanHub
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According to a study by Harvard, Canada ranks among the lowest internet standards among the OECD countries. Are you interested in checking your internet speed? Use this free internet speed test above to see if you're getting the speeds you are supposed to! This guide will help answer all the questions you may have about broadband speed.

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What is an internet speed test?

An internet speed test, or bandwidth, allows you to measure the speed of your internet connection in megabits per second (Mbps) and see if you are getting what you should be from your ISP. An internet test measures three different contributing factors:

  • Your 'ping' (the response time in Mbps between your server and connection). The lower the ping number, the better your broadband speed is.
  • Download speed, i.e. the speed at which you receive data via the internet with your connection
  • Upstream speed, i.e. the speed at which your data is sent through the internet

Why should I do an internet speed test?

The main reason to do a broadband speed test is to see if you are getting what you've paid for. This is done by seeing if the price of your internet plan corresponds with the speed of your broadband. If you are paying for a broadband plan currently, but it isn't working as it should, you can adjust your plan and reduce costs.

You should use an internet offer comparison tool to shop around for broadband offers with the connection speed you want.

How does a speed test work?

A broadband speed test, like the one at the top of this page, uses your IP address to define your approximate location. Then, it analyses the quality of your connection speed while transferring data with a server.

Normally, less than 40MB of data is needed to perform a broadband speed test, however, more may be required with faster connections.

Broadband speed tests assess the download and transfer time of your data. After a few seconds, you'll get your test results.

Watch out!

This test only evaluates your connection's performance level on your device, not your modem. Therefore, there may be a difference between the two. Depending on, in particular, the network infrastructure and the latency time. One way to get a reliable result is to disconnect devices using your broadband.

Which is the best internet speed test available?

Planhub's internet speed test, at the top of the page, is one of the internet's best speed tests on the market. This is because:

  • It is immediately free
  • Compatible with all browsers
  • Available on your mobile phone

It works with all mobile providers. As a result, you do not need to carry out a different broadband speed test with your own provider to know your bandwidth.

How long does an internet speed test take?

A broadband speed test only takes a few seconds. Try using the tool at the top of this page for free!

Is an internet speed test compatible with all internet plans?

Yes, it works regardless of your internet provider. Here is a non-exclusive list of internet providers whose wifi connection can be evaluated with our test:

Suppliers speed testsIs our test compatible?
Cogeco Speed ​​Test
Videotron speed test
Telus speed test
Rogers speed test
Bell speed test
Dery speed test
Xplornet speed test
Ookla speed test
Axion Speed ​​Test
Cablevision speed test
Broadband speed test compatibility with providers

What is considered a fast internet connection?

A very fast internet connection (using optical fibre for example) can easily reach 250 Mbps. This allows you to perform several tasks all at the same time, including:

  • video conference calls
  • play games online
  • stream HD videos

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