Does OHIP cover Eye exam?
'fa-times' | icon
[[translations.averageCostIndication]] : this.service.averageCost | number_format(2) [[translations.currency]]
[[this.$options.filters.number_format(refund, 2)]][[this.translations.currency]]
[[this.$options.filters.number_format(cost, 2)]][[this.translations.currency]]
[[translations.infos]] : service.infos
[[translations.exceptions]] : service.exceptions
Good to know
OHIP is Ontario's public health insurance plan. It covers many emergency and preventative medical care costs. The basics, such as doctor visits and emergency health care, are usually covered by OHIP, but not everything is. This tool will help you determine what's covered and for how much. The remaining costs can be paid out-of-pocket, or with supplemental private health insurance.