The Essentials Of Traveling Abroad in 2024

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There are two types of travelers: those who start packing a month before and have an itinerary and schedule for every minute of the trip, and those who pack half an hour before going to the airport and forget to bring an extra pair of underwear. And they usually travel together (which makes every trip unpredictable).

When it goes well, traveling brings joy to everyone. But when it goes wrong, it can turn into a nightmare. Here are some essentials for your next trip to ensure nothing unexpected comes up.

Universal Adapter

You booked a trip from Ottawa to Paris, and you feel at home when you land. People speak French in the streets, you see the Eiffel Tower, and the banks of Seine call for you to sip some wine and eat a baguette. As you get to your hotel room, you notice one crucial detail. The phone charger can’t plug into the socket. Neither can the laptop nor any piece of electronics. European plugs aren’t compatible with Canadian sockets, and you forgot to buy an adapter or a converter. That’s why you always need a universal adapter.

Power Bank

Taking a picture of every corner that looks dainty fills up your phone’s memory and drains its battery. Without a power bank, you’ll have to depend on the courtesy of coffee shops and restaurants to recharge. But what if you don’t have the time to wait? That’s when a power bank becomes super handy. A 10,000 mAh battery can recharge your phone three to five times. And if you want to be secure on juice for longer, grab a power bank with 20,000 mAh.

Copies of Important Documents

A good rule before going abroad is to make several copies of your travel documents, just in case of an emergency. Give one copy to your close and trusted friends and another to your relatives. You never know what’s going to happen, and it’s better to be on the safe side. Check the expiration dates of your passport, see if you need a visa, and make sure you have an electronic copy of everything. Criminals exist, and if you happen to be a victim, thinking in advance will save you.

Money Belt

Locals can notice foreigners from a mile away. It’s hard to blend in abroad, even if you speak the language. Locals notice dialects, the way you dress, and even the way you walk. You might not think too deeply about taking pictures with your new iPhone or trying to find your way with the local currency. But pickpockets are paying attention. You won’t even notice your money is gone before it’s too late. Money belts are not an exciting piece of travel gear but a necessary one.


The internet has given birth to a new type of crime – the cybercriminal. These people don’t want to get their hands dirty, and they lure you into a trap: free Wi-Fi. Most tourists don’t have a paid data plan when they travel and rely on hotspots and public networks. And that’s where cybercriminals are waiting for you. They can use simple attacks to check your activity and grab all your usernames, passwords, and digital copies of your important documents. Make sure you use a VPN app to conceal your IP, browse in private, and fend off hackers.

Travel Insurance

Your government insurance won’t pay for unexpected costs and medical bills overseas. Plus, many facilities won’t accept your health insurance plan when you’re abroad (you need to check your policy to know for sure). Travel insurance, supplemental insurance, and trip cancellation insurance are essential. If the trip goes perfectly, you might feel like you’re burning money for nothing. But even if you need to use the supplemental insurance only once in your entire life, it will be worth the cost. You buy insurance with the hope of not using it. It's better to be safe than sorry.


Last but not least, there’s information. Don’t go abroad without doing research and checking the important info. You need to have the numbers of ambulances and the police and plan for a crisis. Read some travel advice and see if you need to take health precautions before visiting. This is especially important for tropical countries. Notify your bank that you will be traveling, and check the exchange rates to see whether you should pay by card or cash. The more info you have, the better you’ll handle any situation!