Canadians To Spend $68.2 On Average For Halloween This Year

37.5% increase in Halloween spending in 2021 across Canada compared to 2020
Despite the restrictive measures taken by the provincial governments across Canada to limit the risk of the spread of the Covid-19 during the Halloween celebrations (see the dedicated section at the bottom of the page), the budget allocated by Canadians to this day should start to rise again this year , as shown in the table below:
- This budget fell by more than 49.3% in 2020 compared to 2019 to stand at $ 50.1 per participant just before the second epidemic wave
- According to estimates made by our data analysts, this budget should start rising again in 2021, to settle at $ 68.2 on average per participant - an increase of 36% in comparison with 2020.
- Even if the improvement seems to be confirmed, we are still far from the levels before the Covid epidemic , a time (2019) where the average budget per Halloween attendee reached $ 90.1 - a record.
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | |
Average budget by Canadian participant | $90.1 | $97 | $50.1 | $68.2 |
Evolution | + 7.8% | - 48.5% | + 36% |
Logically, we observe the same trend in terms of expected participation rate among the Canadian population, with an increase estimated at just 32.5% this year , for a total of 51.9% of the citizens of Canada (adults and kids melt) who should unite in the celebrations .
This would represent a net gain of 16.9 participation points compared to 2020 , when only 27.2% of Quebecers had celebrated Halloween.
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | |
Participation rate to Halloween (in %) | 60% | 62% | 35% | 51.9% |
Evolution (in %) | + 3.3% | - 43.5% | + 32.5% |
Watch out!
Americans more free-spending than Canadians for Halloween
Following the National Retail Federation (NRF) numbers, American citizens may spend US$ 102.74 on average (nearly CA$ 127) this year for Halloween.
Costumes represent mor than half of Canadians participants’ budget for Halloween
An analysis of the Canadians' budget allocated to Halloween by product category shows that this year again, costumes will weigh heavily in the expenses incurred by the participants in this festival. Whether rented, bought or made at home, Canadian participants to Halloween should spend about $ 35 on average in 2021, which represents 51.5% of their overall budget . Then come:
- The purchase of sweets and chocolates : $ 15 on average, representing 22.1% of the overall budget
- Expenses related to the activities of 'Halloween and other related expenses: $ 16.2 on average, representing 20% of the overall budget
- The purchase of pumpkins (for cooking or decoration): $ 7 in average, i.e. 10.3% of the total budget.
Canadians' Halloween spendings per category in 2021 (Source: JDM, Statistics Canada, estimates for 2021)
$ 385 million worth of candy to be sold across Canada for the only month of October 2021
For the vast majority of Canadian children, the essence of Halloween folklore lies in ringing the doorbell on neighbors' doors to ask for candy. Even if this candy hunt will be framed by government measures, it may well take place. As a result, it is expected to sell for $ 385 million in candy across Canada for the entire month of October 2021 :
- This is 28% more than in 2020, where despite the Covid, Canadians still bought a total of $ 300 million in candy
- This is still very far from the $ 560 million sold in 2019, a pre-pandemic era that now seems far away.
Candies sales in Canada for Halloween 2021 (Source: CBC, Estimates for 2021)
Many Covid-related restrictions across Canada this year for Halloween
Despite the downward trend in cases of Covid-19 contagion across Canada, this 2021 Halloween edition will still be marked by the pandemic. In fact, with the exception of the 3 Northern territories which have not yet made known their rules, all of Canada's provincial governments have put in place restrictive measures in order to limit the possibilities of creating contagious clusters during Halloween celebrations.
The table below therefore lists the main measures taken in the various provinces of Canada
Province | COVID-19 restrictions for Halloween |
British Columbia | Those celebrating are encouraged to try including a non-medical mask or face covering as part of their costume and reminded to wash hands or use hand sanitizer often, particularly before going out, after getting home, and before eating treats. Trick-or-treaters are encouraged to stick to small social groups of less than six and remain in local neighborhoods. Those handing out treats are encouraged to give out sealed, pre-packaged treats and to wear a non-medical mask that covers their nose and mouth, standing outside to hand out treats if possible. Any props that cause coughing, such as smoke machines, are discouraged. |
Alberta | Guidelines include selecting costumes that allow for mask-wearing, distributing candy outside if the weather allows, and taking a number of precautions that support physical distancing, good hand hygiene and frequent cleaning of high-touch areas. |
Saskatchewan | Physical distancing and proper hand hygiene are emphasized for both children and homes distributing candy. Distributing store-bought candy only is encouraged as well as disinfecting or letting candy sit for 72 hours before being consumed. |
Manitoba | Guidelines include focusing on the existing COVID-19 fundamentals including staying home if you’re sick, washing/sanitizing your hands frequently, and practicing physical distancing. Where possible, provide individual contactless candy distribution. Individuals who feel unwell should not take part in trick-or-treating. Use tools (e.g. tongs) to distribute candy at a distance. Be aware of local Pandemic Response System levels and consider alternatives to trick or treating as appropriate. |
Ontario | Halloween celebrations will vary depending on the area. Some local health authorities including Ottawa, Peel, Toronto, York Region and any who may be in Stage 2 have advised against traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating and the government is instead asking people to find alternate ways of celebrating. Areas in Stage 3 can proceed with trick or treating if families choose to do so. Families are asked to not travel outside of their neighborhood to celebrate Halloween. |
Quebec | Trick-or-treating is permitted, but children should stay with those in their household only and must stay within their own neighborhood. Individuals should not enter others' homes and should refrain from singing or shouting. Those handing out treats should prepare individual bags and place them where children can serve themselves without coming within two meters of those offering treats. Treats should be quarantined for a period of 24 hours once collected before consumption. For any areas in the red zone, any indoor or outdoor gathering is prohibited. Additional guidelines include maintaining physical distancing, washing hands and using hand sanitizer. |
Nova Scotia | Guidelines include physical distancing, adhering to gathering limits and wearing masks in indoor public places. If planning to go trick-or-treating, only go with people in your household or circle, maintain distance from other groups and do not go if you are feeling unwell. |
New Brunswick | Residents in regions at the Yellow level can celebrate Halloween with door-to-door trick-or-treating provided Public Health advice is followed. Residents in Zone 5 (e.g. Campbellton area) can celebrate Halloween only within their household bubble and should not participate in door-to-door collecting, passing out treats, and parties outside of their household bubbles are not permitted. |
Prince Edward Island | Within the guidelines, physical distancing and proper hand hygiene are emphasized for both children and homes distributing candy. Trick-or-treaters should only visit households in their neighborhood and people they know. No contact treat pick-up options are recommended. People handing out treats should wear a non-medical mask. |
Newfoundland and Labrador | Within the guidelines, physical distancing and proper hand hygiene are emphasized for both children and homes distributing candy. It is recommended that treats be wrapped in individual bags and dropped into each Trick or Treater’s Halloween bag. Parents should consider quarantining their child’s Halloween treats for at least a few hours following Trick or Treating. |
Nunavut | Has not yet published a Halloween guidance document. |
Northwest Territories | Has not yet published a Halloween guidance document. |
Yukon | Has not yet published a Halloween guidance document. |
Why? Firstly, because of the fear of transmission of the virus within the family, especially to the elderly. Secondly, because there are still restrictions on social gatherings across the country, which vary from province to province.

Antoine Fruchard, CEO at
"What a joy for Canadians to rediscover the sense of celebration for Halloween! Despite the shadow of the Covid pandemic that still hangs over the country and the restrictions taken by the majority of provincial governments, it is gratifying to see that this year the spending allocated to Halloween will start to rise again. In addition, this is excellent news for various sectors of the industry for which this day constitutes a very important date, such as the costume, candy or pumpkin sectors. Even if we will not yet return to pre-Covid levels this year, 2022 should mark a record year in terms of Halloween spending in Canada - if the progress of vaccination proves sufficient."
Our methodology
This study is based on information from public and private sources, which include: Statistics Canada, the Retail Council of Canada, and the West Foundation.'s estimates for the year 2021 were carried out by our team of data analysts, on demographic, economic, geographic criteria and including public health data related to the Covid-19 epidemic.
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