Tangerine Promo Code: Earn up to $400

Nishadh Mohammed updated on 20 October 2022

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Are you interested in opening a savings account with a bank that gives you rewards and offers you a great savings rate? Sign up with the Tangerine promo code: EARNMORE

Earn up to $400 and a 4.25% Savings rate

Start saving today

How to use the Tangerine promo code?

Using the EARNMORE code with Tangerine is easy!

  1. Sign up with Tangerine.
  2. Open a chequing and savings account within 30 days.
  3. Enjoy 20% cash back on eligible Visa Debit transition for 60 days and 4.25% interest in your savings account for 5 months
Sign up with Tangerine and save

Good to know

Did you know? Tangerine has over 2 million clients.

Earn up to $400 and a 4.25% Savings rate

Tangerine discount code

Tangerine: the basics

Tangerine is a Canadian bank operated by Scotiagroup. Tangerine is an online bank. This means it doesn't have physical offices that you can visit. However, it does mean that all of your banking can be done online from the comfort of your own home. Tangerine offers low fees and competitive savings rates. It aims to pass on the savings of being only an online presence on to the customer.

Set up originally as ING Direct in 1997, the company was acquired by Scotiagroup in 2012 and relaunched as Tangerine. Now, tangerine offers chequing accounts, savings accounts, credit cards and a variety of lending and investment products.

Tangerine alternatives

Tangerine offers great savings and investment rates however the way to get the best deal is always to shop around. Other banks may have offers and rates that better suit your own specific needs.

You can compare Tangerine with other chequing accounts and savings accounts

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Nishadh Mohammed

Nishadh Mohammed is a seasoned news editor and financial writer, working with HelloSafe since May 2023. Nishadh has developed expertise in financial markets, insurance, and investment products, with a deep understanding of the Canadian financial landscape. He has honed his SEO skills and content marketing strategies while writing for Canadian publishing houses. Armed with a master's in Business Analytics and extensive journalistic experience, Nishadh uniquely combines data proficiency and thorough research to deliver comprehensive and accessible information.

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