Our authors

Our auditors

Our methodology

At HelloSafe, we promise to provide reliable information that is expert-sourced, rigorously verified, independent, and regularly updated. This commitment enables us to guide our users effectively. How do we achieve this?

We only recruit writers who are seasoned in financial subjects and experts in their fields, whether in insurance, finance, credit, banking products, investments, or cryptocurrencies. Their backgrounds and experience make them well-qualified to write on the serious and complex topics we cover, ensuring they provide the best advice to our readers.

Additionally, all our writers undergo a training program lasting several weeks upon joining our team. This ensures they are fully versed in our writing standards, guaranteeing expert-level insight and unwavering reliability of the information on our site.

Our expertise is further reinforced by systematic double-checking of the information presented, a practice inspired by the “fact-checking” approaches used by major media outlets worldwide. This rigorous double-check ensures that any data we present is accurate and up-to-date at the time of publication, which is essential for building trust with our audience.

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