Adult General Passport Application: Step-by-Step Guide

A. Fruchard updated on 18 July 2024

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Download the Canadian Adult General Passport Application form for free on this page. You will find forms for applying from within Canada and outside the country in both English and French.

In this step-by-step guide, learn everything you need to know about applying for a Canadian passport: How to fill out an adult general passport application? Which documents to include with the form? What is the cost of a general adult passport application in Canada? What are the processing times? We give you all the answers.

Adult General Passport Application: Key Points

  1. There are 2 adult passport application forms:
    • One when you apply within Canada
    • One when you apply from outside Canada
  2. You must provide several supporting documents with your application.
  3. It is not possible to apply for an adult passport online.
  4. It is possible to apply for an express adult passport.
  5. The validity period of your new passport will be 5 or 10 years.

Download the Adult General Passport Application Form

You must first download and complete the adult general passport application form to apply for a Canadian adult passport. Be aware that there are two versions of this form, depending on whether you are applying from within or outside of Canada.

  • If you are a Canadian citizen and currently reside in Canada, download the PPTC 153 Adult General Passport Application form for Free below.
pptc 153 adult general passport application

PPTC 153 adult general passport application

You can also find the PPTC 154 Adult General passport application in French here.

  • If you are a Canadian citizen applying from outside Canada, download the adult general passport application form PPTC 040.
PPTC 040 adult general passport application

PPTC 040 adult general passport application

You can also find the PPTC 041 Adult General Passport application for adults outside Canada in French here. The forms are the official Government of Canada Adult General Passport Application.

Watch out!

These forms are only for citizens who do not have a previous passport. For a renewal, a different form is required.

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How to fill out a Canadian Adult General Passport Application?

  1. Download the Form: You can download the adult general passport application printable forms from the sections above.
  2. Fill Personal Details: Enter your full name, birth date, place of birth, and gender.
  3. Guarantor Section: Have your guarantor (a Canadian passport holder who has known you for at least 2 years) fill out and sign their section.
  4. Proof of Citizenship: Provide details of your Canadian citizenship document (birth certificate or citizenship certificate).
  5. Previous Passport (if applicable): Fill in details of your previous passport (number and issue date).
  6. Sign the Form: Sign and date the application.
  7. Add References: List two people (not your guarantor or relatives) who have known you for at least 2 years.
  8. Identification: Provide details of two pieces of valid ID (e.g., driver’s license, health card).
  9. Emergency Contact: Provide a name and contact for emergencies.
  10. Choose Passport Options: Indicate if you want a 5-year or 10-year passport and if you need express service.
  11. Pay the Fee: Provide payment details for the passport fee.
  12. Attach Photos: Attach two recent passport photos that meet the requirements.
  13. Submit the Application: Submit the form, documents, and photos in person at a passport office, service center, or by mail.

What documents should I submit with the adult general passport application?

To obtain your passport, you will need to attach the following items to your passport application:

  • Two recent passport photos
  • Two valid pieces of identification
  • Proof of identity issued by a federal or provincial institution including the following elements: name (the same as mentioned in the form), photo, date of birth, and signature
  • References: people who can vouch for your identity and who may potentially be contacted
  • Proof of Canadian citizenship if you were born outside Canada between February 15, 1977, and April 16, 1981.

Can I apply for a Canadian adult passport online?

It is not possible to apply for a passport online. You can only download the form online. You will need to submit your passport application either in person or by mail.

  • To apply for a passport in person, you must present yourself. If this is not possible, another person can represent you. Visit a regional Passport Program office or a participating service center.
  • To submit your passport application by mail, you can send the documents to the following address:

Passport Program
Gatineau (Québec) K1A 0G3

Good to know

You can get an appointment online or walk in to a Service Canada Centre. You can find your nearest passport application center here.

Can I apply for an express Canadian adult passport?

It can typically take up to 25 days for your passport to be ready. However, if you are in a hurry, submit your passport application in person. The processing times are shorter, and you can ensure that you have included all the necessary documents for your application.

You can also apply for an express passport for an additional fee.

Express Application for an Adult Passport in CanadaTariff
Urgent Pickup, by the End of the Next Business Day
Pickup in 2 to 9 Business Days
Pickup in 10 Business Days or Later
Canada Adult General Passport Application - Cost of an Express Passport Application

Good to know

To track the status of your Canadian adult general passport application, visit the Canadian government's website and log in to your personal account.

How to apply for a Canadian Adult Passport Renewal?

If you already have a Canadian adult passport and wish to renew it, you will need to download a specific form for passport renewal in Canada.

Expert advice

You can find this form available for free download on our dedicated page by clicking on the link above. You will also find the application forms for free on the same link.

Who can apply for a General Canadian Adult Passport?

The Canadian passport is an official identity document that serves as proof of your Canadian citizenship and is universally recognized worldwide. To obtain a Canadian adult passport, you need to:

  • Be over 16 years old; otherwise, it will be a Canadian child passport application.
  • Be a Canadian citizen and prove it by providing two references in your passport application (people you have known for at least 2 years who can attest to your citizenship).

If you're looking to apply for a child passport, check out our guide on Child Passport Application Canada. You can download the free form and find instructions to fill it out there.

Good to know

You do not need to reside in Canada to apply for a Canadian passport. You just need to fill out the appropriate passport application for non-resident Canadians and submit it to the Canadian embassy in your country.

What is the cost of an Adult Passport Application in 2025?

A Canadian adult passport application costs between $120 and $260, depending on whether you request a 5-year or 10-year validity period. The cost also varies based on where your passport application is submitted (from within Canada or from abroad).

The table below summarizes the cost of a Canadian adult passport application:

Validity PeriodCost of passport application in CanadaCost of passport application abroad
For 10 years
For a duration of 10 years
Cost of Adult General Passport Application Canada

If you're planning to travel, beyond your passport, you may also need to have travel insurance to meet unforeseen circumstances during your journey and time at the destination. You can check out the best travel insurance plans from Canada's top companies using our free tool below. It's free, online, and gives you instant results.

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How long is the Canadian adult passport valid?

When you apply for a Canadian adult passport, you can choose between two validity periods, each with different costs:

  • A duration of 5 years
  • A duration of 10 years

Watch out!

The Canadian government may refuse your application for a 10-year passport if, for example, you have lost your identity document several times.

What is Proof of Canadian Citizenship?

Proof of Canadian citizenship is a form that must be completed by all individuals born outside of Canada between February 15, 1977, and April 16, 1981, to a Canadian parent. This form must be duly completed, signed, and attached to the passport application for all individuals meeting the above criteria.

You do not need to complete this form if:

  • You submit a Canadian citizenship certificate issued after January 1, 2007;
  • One of your parents was born in Canada;
  • You were adopted by a Canadian parent and thus obtained your Canadian citizenship.

You can download the Proof of Canadian Citizenship form for free here:

Download the Proof of Canadian Citizenship form for free

What are the photo requirements for the adult general passport application?

  • Photo Quality: Photos must be clear, sharp, and in focus with a neutral facial expression.
  • Size and Dimensions: 50 mm wide x 70 mm high (2 inches wide x 2 3/4 inches high), face height 31-36 mm (1 1/4 - 1 7/16 inches) from chin to crown.
  • Background: Plain white or light-coloured, no shadows.
  • Lighting: Uniform lighting without shadows, glare, or flash reflections.
  • Head and Shoulders: Head centred, shoulders squared to the camera, no tilting or turning.
  • Headgear and Accessories: No hats or head coverings (except for religious reasons), no sunglasses or tinted eyewear.
  • Photo Age: Taken within the last 6 months.
  • Photographer's Information: One photo must be signed by the photographer and include the date the photo was taken.
  • Child Photos: Show the child's head and shoulders only, with no hands in the picture.
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A. Fruchard Insurance Expert

Co-founder of HelloSafe and an experienced entrepreneur in the insurance and personal finance sector, Antoine uses his experience and in-depth knowledge of the market to help Internet users make the right choices. With an MBA in economics, he is a committed expert whose mission is to make personal finance and insurance issues simple and understandable. With a rich career marked by the creation of innovative companies, Antoine's ambition has always been to bring transparency to complex issues and to give power back to consumers. With HelloSafe, he continues to translate this vision by providing accurate advice, impartial comparisons and detailed explanations of travel insurance. He has analysed hundreds of contracts to reveal the best options available on the market.

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